Fuck The French who built the Wuhan Lab that released the WuFlu. The Obama Admin partnered with it’s evil three letter agencies, France and The CCP to move Gain of Function research to the Free Trading G20 partner, Communist China. France Built and Certified over 300 Biolabs globally. What could possibly go wrong? When will these Nefarious actors be truly held to account??? #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree #ResumeAmericanManufacturingIndependenceAndDominanceOrExpectToDieCommunist #APECresultedInC19AndmRNAbioweapons #CongratsToTheConsOfThe106thAnd107thCongressLookUpTheList #FreeTradeIsAnythingButFreeForUSWeArePayingTheFullPriceToday

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Hi, Shithead!

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Ahaha omg 😂 au revoir

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